75 Hard Challenge: Rules, Benefits and How to stay Accountable
The Rules of 75 Hard
The 75 Hard Challenge, created by entrepreneur Andy Frisella, is a mental toughness program designed to push your discipline, resilience, and work ethic to new levels. If you're wondering how to complete 75 Hard, it consists of the following strict rules, followed for 75 consecutive days without exception:
Follow a diet – No cheat meals, no alcohol. The diet can be of your choosing but must align with your fitness goals.
Two workouts per day – One must be outdoors, and both must last at least 45 minutes.
Drink a gallon of water daily.
Read 10 pages of a non-fiction/self-improvement book.
Take a progress picture every day.
If you fail to complete any of these tasks on any given day, you must start over from Day 1.
Benefits of the 75 Hard Challenge
The benefits of the 75 Hard Challenge are obvious: improved physical fitness, mental toughness, and stronger discipline. But beyond those, there’s a deeper level of transformation that makes this challenge worth considering.
1. Building Mental Resilience
This challenge isn’t just about getting fit; it’s about building an unshakable mindset. By committing to these non-negotiable rules for 75 days, you train yourself to stop making excuses and start taking control.
2. Eliminating Vices
When you decide to embark on 75 Hard, it’s the perfect opportunity to strip away the bad habits that hold you back. Use this challenge to eliminate procrastination, poor eating habits, excessive social media use, and even personal vices like masturbation or binge-watching TV.
3. Creating a More Disciplined Life
The discipline developed during 75 Hard fitness transformation extends far beyond the challenge itself. You’ll find that once you prove to yourself you can stick to something this demanding, other areas of your life start to improve—your career, relationships, and personal goals.
Why You Shouldn't Do This Alone
75 Hard is exactly what the name suggests—hard. And because of its difficulty, most people who attempt it alone end up failing, often lying to themselves and bending the rules instead of starting over. This is why accountability is crucial.
1. Having a Support System Increases Your Chances of Success
Surrounding yourself with others who are also taking on the challenge will push you to stay disciplined. A strong 75 Hard accountability group won’t let you slide on your commitments, and that extra motivation can be the difference between success and failure.
2. Honest Accountability Helps You Stay on Track
When left to our own devices, it’s easy to make excuses and justify small slips. But when you have people holding you accountable, you’re much more likely to stay honest and stick to the plan.
3. Encouragement Through the Toughest Days
Some days will be brutal. Whether it’s fatigue, self-doubt, or just plain exhaustion, having people in your corner who are going through the same struggle will help you push through.
Take on the Challenge With a Community
Instead of attempting 75 Hard alone, consider joining or creating an accountability group. Surround yourself with people who will push you, keep you in check, and ensure that you emerge from these 75 days stronger than ever.
If you’re ready to take on the 75 Hard Challenge, find a partner or a 75 Hard accountability group that will help you stay on track. Because individually, we may be flawed—but together, we are perfect.
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